The brand new serial crystallography beamline ID29, one of the Extremely Brilliant Source flagship beamlines, has had its first users, in three different experiments. They all focused on ways of scanning thousands of minuscule crystals (smaller than 10 microns) effectively with the new EBS powerful beam.

The scientist in charge of the new beamline, Daniele de Sanctis, stated: “In a new beamline, and especially if it is unique in the world, you can expect a few teething problems, but we’ve all been very pleasantly surprised at how smoothly the three first experiments have gone. Together with the other team members, Shibom Basu from European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) and Julien Orlans, we were confident of our work, but it is nevertheless exciting to see the outcome of such a long project, made possible thanks to EBS. Welcome to the new ID29!”.

The beamline is run jointly with the EMBL, in the frame of the long-standing collaboration that the ESRF and EMBL have set up on the EPN science campus in Grenoble.


To learn more about ID29 and the experiments featured a levitator, a ‘tapedrive’ and an extruding crystals device to study antibiotics mechanism, check the complete article here!