The Workshop for Industry on Radiation Hardness Testing of Semiconductor Devices and Systems at the RADNEXT Facilities.

Radiation effects in semiconductor devices have come to play a major role in the performance and reliability of today’s electronics. Several questions also arise from emerging applications. As the demand for radiation hardness testing is on the rise, the availability of radiation facilities providing industrial access to perform these tests at least for certain radiation types are not able to catch up with the increasing demand. Traditional testing methodologies also seem to be limited in face of new semiconductor technologies, the increased usage of commercial components of the shelf and new applications fields.

The RADNEXT program – an H2020 INFRAIA-02-2020 infrastructure project – started in June 2021 and is addressing most of these challenges. In particular, it aims at bridging the gap between industrial and academic users of radiation hardness testing and the irradiation facilities providing beam time to them.

The G-RADNEXT Workshop 2023 will take place as a fully on-site event at the CERN campus in Meyrin (Switzerland), and it is part of the flagship initiative “STREAMLINE TOUR – the ESRF meets Industry.”

The aim is to engage with the industrial community, by proposing an event fully dedicated to industry with the following key objectives:

– Collect needs, requirements, and trends from the industrial stakeholders to better support them within the RADNEXT activities;

-Highlighting the results obtained in TA and JRA of RADNEXT;

-Giving young professionals from industry and academia the opportunity to present their work;

-Offer networking opportunities between industry and facility experts.

Registration open here!