STREAMLINE workshops for new and emerging communities
Five workshops are planned to help emerging communities of synchrotron users discover the possibilities offered by ESRF beamlines following the ESRF-EBS storage ring upgrade within the STREAMLINE programme. The workshops will be staggered over the four-year duration of the project. The first three workshops have already taken place.
- Workshop on Cultural and Natural Heritage at ESRF-EBS, 22 – 24 January 2020, ESRF, Grenoble.
The ESRF-ESRF upgrade will revolutionise synchrotron-based capabilities for the study of ancient materials. Improvements are expected across all scales from the tomography of very large and heavy samples up to the nano-analysis of tiny heterogeneous fragments. The workshop aims to provide a scientific forum to present and promote the use of synchrotron-based techniques in the field of cultural and natural heritage.

- 3rd Workshop on Studies of dynamically compressed matter with X-rays (DyCoMaX 3), 14 – 15 January 2021, ESRF, Grenoble.
The aim of the workshop is to gather scientists, from both the static and dynamic extreme conditions community, to discuss recent results and new scientific frontiers that can be explored. The workshop will feature presentations and tutorials on laser shock experiments, an expanding technique at the ESRF for the study of materials under extreme conditions of pressure and temperature. Exotic states of matter can be attained, such as warm dense matter, relevant for planetary science, for the description of the interior of the planets and extrasolar planets, fundamental science, to constrain theoretical models, and energy science, for inertial confinement fusion.
- Dark Field X-ray Microscopy Workshop, 06-07 May 2021, ESRF, Grenoble.
Dark-field X-ray microscopy is a newly developed technique to measure orientation and strain in crystalline materials with spatial resolution down to 100 nm. At the end of the EBS shutdown, Beamline ID06 HXRM will be the first instrument worldwide to offer this technique via a general user programme. Furthermore, the project has been selected as one of the Upgrade Beamlines, EBSL2, to be constructed on ID03.
The aim of this workshop is to present this new instrument and seed a new user community. Via discussions with potential users, we aim to determine the needs of future users for instrumentation such as sample environments, auxiliary measurements, sample preparation, etc.