The workshop aims to establish state-of-the-art practices in assessing and improving the socio-economic impact of Accelerator-based Light Sources (for example, synchrotron facilities). The event creates a unique opportunity for Research Infrastructure (RI) impact practitioners/managers, academic scholars and policy advisors/makers to exchange on the challenges faced and lessons learned in assessing the socio-economic impact of RIs.

The hybrid event is co-organized by the ESRF (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility) and GEM (Grenoble School of Management) with the support of STREAMLINE, RItrainPlus and LEAPS (League of European Accelerator-based Photon Sources).

The registration page is now open here! We are looking forward to welcoming you to the “Workshop on Socio-economic Impact Assessment of Light Sources”, either online as well as at Y. Spot, Grenoble on 15-16 January (lunch-to-lunch).


Please note that due to the venue capacity, the onsite event participation is limited and priority will be allocated based on the time of registration. However, we welcome participants to follow the online presentations and round table discussions.

For questions and further information regarding the workshop, please contact Junhanlu Zhang ( or Ennio Capria (


Edited by Chiara Facoetti